Dusty Purpose

Google image
(Google image)

A fan may go on working but as time goes by, it’s doing less of it’s purpose. Why?

Because the more we use it, the dirt is collected at the propeller and comes to a point when it rotates but doesn’t cool, it works but isn’t felt.

Does that mean the fan is already useless? NO. It just needs a little cleaning. You just have to take away all the dirt that makes it unproductive, you just need to get rid of the things that hinder it from fulfilling its purpose then it will be as useful as before, as good as new.

Just like us, people, who seem to be working but not useful. We seem to work so hard yet we don’t see any fruit of it.

Maybe there are things we need to get rid of–bad habits, unnecessary emotions, etc.

Or maybe our minds are full of hurt, pain, stress, pressure, of negative things. We just have to renew our minds and thoughts and focus on our main purpose.

"...be transformed by the renewing of your mind..."
“…be transformed by the renewing of your mind…”

Renewing our minds doesn’t mean we forget things but going back to the start when everything was fresh, rethinking our purpose, refocusing on the vision, and having a new hope.

Let’s examine ourselves and be willing to clean off the dirt and dust clinging on our propeller. 🙂

HUGOT everywhere.

Almost everything I see has deeper interpretations (connecting the thoughts commonly to love or to life), or what Filipino people call hugot. I just want to share some of them.

I’m a kind of person who seems to see things deeply, but actually, I don’t think of it, the ideas just come in. This has been a part of my everyday life, almost everything I see has deeper interpretations (connecting the thoughts commonly to love or to life), or what Filipino people call hugot. I just want to share some of them.

Continue reading “HUGOT everywhere.”